Narrative for a Better Tomorrow

Narrative for a Better Tomorrow No. 1

The people of Lansing need to know that to make LMA financially self-sufficient two actions will have to be taken. The Village of Lansing and its Airport Past Present Future provides the steps to follow to make that happen- have Cook County exempt existing and future Fixed Based Operators from the useless leasehold tax and make a public pledge to all clients of the airport that the Village will make the extension of the north-south runway by 2000-ft a top priority.


Since the LMA has not had the services of an official manager for 5-years, please email me directly at, so Lansing residents can get answers to their questions about the management of their airport.

I will commit to respond to all requests for information about the future of the airport.


Narrative for a Better Tomorrow No. 2

 I could be the only career educator in the country who can explain how we have changed teaching young people about American history over the last five decades.  I was there in the 1970’s and can speak from firsthand experience. That is the primary purpose for writing the Road to Redemption.  You will find it a unique experience because it is a revisionist teaching guide that those who have been deciding what our young should be taught do not want known.  The Road to Redemption provide learning experiences that will allow readers to take an active role in a number of Assignment that will test what is known about major issues facing the country today.  Key to the experience could be having the reader take a role of a teacher and discuss with others the learning experiences presented in the book.  Do not underestimate the capacity of high school students If presented correctly you will be surprised to see how they will appreciate being part of the discussion and you will put them on the Road to Redemption.  You will be sending a message to those who have gotten into the habit of thinking for us, will not think that way any longer.  



Since the LMA has not had the services of an official manager for 5-years, please email me directly at, so Lansing residents can get answers to their questions about the management of their airport.

I will commit to respond to all requests for information about the future of the airport.


Narrative for a Better Tomorrow No. 3

This website is being designed so that I can pick up where I left off when I officially retired from being manager of LMA.  If you were to look at an overhead view of the grounds as of 2008 you will see that nothing has changed over the last 16-years, and large tracks of land owned by Lansing are still waiting to be developed, using FAA and Illinois state money on a 95% funding formula. To go back to its once accepted airport development plan the airport must be able to show the Chicago Southland and the entire aviation community that Lansing is committed to the process of making the facility financially self-sufficient. Once done the people of Lansing will no longer be required to subsidize its operation by using the assets now in place more efficiently. That will make the airport pay for itself.  Lansing owns the Ford Hangar and the building next to it that is being used as a restaurant, and the hangar/office complex next to it, the next Quonset building, the once called Sun-Aero building, and all the 90-T-hangars on both side of the east-west runway. Add to the list the building that now serves as the airport’s administration office that can be accessed from Burnham Avenue. What needs to be done. Find an FAA approved purpose for the Ford Hangar, Restructure the entire use of the 3259 building. Review the operators Agreement with ServicePro, the company now occupying the Sun-‘aero building. There is no excuse for vacate T-hangar on the LMA.  Do whatever is necessary to return to full occupancy. Always remember a main source of revenue for the airport will come from the sale of aviation fuel.  I have already provided those who are now in charge of the managing the airport this guidance.  My efforts have not been effective. I encourage comments for readers.  I will respond. 


Since the LMA has not had the services of an official manager for 5-years, please email me directly at, so Lansing residents can get answers to their questions about the management of their airport.

I will commit to respond to all requests for information about the future of the airport.


Narrative for a Better Tomorrow No. 4

The original outline for the writing of The Road to Redemption included a set individual Assignments
that the American people should have the opportunity to read and study to be better informed about
current issues facing the country before they go to the voting polls in the 2024 national election. While
in the process it became apparent to me that I had time constraints that would have to be considered if I
hoped to achieve my ultimate objective: to have the book read by as many people as possible before the
election. Because of that I decided to go ahead and have published what I had completed and continue
the narrative in an updated printing, so I could include fast developing events because the campaign to
control the thinking of the American people is relentless and can only be countered by the people
themselves. The most sinister and on-going devices being used is the 1619 Project I discuss in the book.
Assignment 6 will be added and include an up-to-dated account of how the 1619 Project has developed
and how it has been affecting the country. The question of the results of the 2020 national election
being understood efficiently is addressed in a report written in 2020 by John Perazzo, the editor of the
Freedom Center’s Discoverer’s Network-Yes, It Was a Stolen Election. The Report can be found online.
Assignment 14 will give a high school version of a complicate issue that is not understood today related
to the current conflict in Israel. Assignment 15 will address a topic that is not mentioned in today’s high
school world history books. It will introduce to students the fact that between the 5 th and 15 th centuries
there were flourishing kingdoms in Africa that experienced cultural development. A question will arise.
Would the future of the African continent have been different if it had been introduced to the same
conditions made available as Europe advanced and western civilization developed.
Soon I will recommend to Lansing officials that they schedule a community wide public hearing to make
plans to retool the administration of the Lansing airport. I will volunteer to chair such a hearing free of


Since the LMA has not had the services of an official manager for 5-years, please email me directly at, so Lansing residents can get answers to their questions about the management of their airport.

I will commit to respond to all requests for information about the future of the airport.


Narrative for a Better Tomorrow No. 5

After I retired 15-years ago from being the manager of the LMA I continued to remind the Village of the
commitment it made to the FAA in the 1970’s to work with them to build the LMA into an asset for the
country’s aviation community. The methods used evolved over the years, but ultimately took the form
of a book, The Village of Lansing and its Airport Past Present Future. It tells the story of what was
achieved up to 2008. My intention now is to address the word Future in the subtitle. What can Lansing
do in 2024 to reinstate the project as the top priority for the Village pursue to serve the interest of the
people of Lansing and the entire Southland. The steps that must be explained are complex, and cannot
be done quickly, so I decided to use a webpage to fully explain what I want understood. The first
posting details what the airport must do to advance its need to get the State and federal funding
required to give Lansing a chance to turn the airport into a successful venture. While I was in charge I
decided not stand in line and wait for funds to be released. The airport went directly to the United
States Congress to get support through our Representative at that time. The process began with Marty
Russo, then George O’Brien, Jerry Weller, and Jesse Jackson Jr., and stopped there when Robin Kelly
took the office because management let the federal government off the hook. And that could be a
serious mistake because today, Congresswoman Kelly has been prominent in getting support for the
South Suburban Airport in Peotone. She should be reminded the LMA is also in her District and they
could also use her help, especially since only one project would be needed for special attention. And
that is the extension of the north-south runway that has been standing in line for more then 8-years,
and should not be expected to wait any longer.


Since the LMA has not had the services of an official manager for 5-years, please email me directly at, so Lansing residents can get answers to their questions about the management of their airport.

I will commit to respond to all requests for information about the future of the airport.


Narrative for a Better Tomorrow No. 6

Assignment 14 Middle East Diplomacy

A complex story told as simply as possible. The State of Israel was created in 1948. World War II was
over. The Holocaust had come to an end. The United Nations felt it had to provide the Jewish people
who had been devasted during the war years with a way for them to control their future, and provide
them with a haven to ensure they would have the means to defend their national interest and ideals.
The solution the world peacemakers made was to return them to their historical homeland as is
chronicled in The Bible. The history of how this all developed is told in the Leon Unis book- Exodus. The
second most important resource the Bible provides is that it tells the history of the Jewish people and
that was sufficient reason for them to again reclaim their ancestorial homeland, and Jews from all over
the world flocked to the Middle East and brought their religious convictions with them. What they met
were people who believed in Islam. We now call them Muslims who followed the teachings of the
prophet Muhumed as recorded in his Koran. That religion once established spread rapidly through the
Middle East, African and Western Europe. By the early 21 st century there were 1.5 billion Muslims
worldwide. The new Jewish state found itself surrounded by the Islamic world. The dual religious and
social character of Islam expresses itself as a religious community commissioned by God to bring its
value system to the world through jihad, commonly translated as holy war. These historical realities
were not understood by leaders who reconstructed the world after WWII. Constructing a two-state
future for the territory being administered by the British since the end of the war was the result. The
Jewish state of Israel was born and an Arab state of Palestine was to be under the control of Arab
interests. That solution angered all Arab neighbors surrounding the newly established Israel state and a
series of regional wars followed that resulted in Israel controlling more disputed territory including the
West Bank and Gaza.
Understanding this history of the Middle East situation for America is essential before peace can be


Since the LMA has not had the services of an official manager for 5-years, please email me directly at, so Lansing residents can get answers to their questions about the management of their airport.

I will commit to respond to all requests for information about the future of the airport.


Narrative for a Better Tomorrow No. 7

Assignment 15 African Kingdoms

In the 1600’s African people were brought to the Americas. Their presence and the places they were
taken to have become part pf the cultures of the Americas and would have a serious impact on the
future development on the countries they were brought to. What is never discussed in the history
books is the cultures they came from. The African continent was filled with many flourishing kingdoms
and empires between the 5 th and the 15 th centuries. These cultivations were sophisticated and had
systems of trade they developed making them wealthy. There were many, and if made known would
change our understanding of American history. In West Africa the empires of Ghana and Mali traded
gold and ivory for salt and copper. Great Zimbabwe in the southeast, and the Zagwe Kingdom and Kilwa
Sultanate on the east coast developed successfully. At its height between the 12 th and the 15 th centuries
the Sultanate traded as far as China and India. That made it the most powerful place on the Swahili
coast. The Mali Empire reached its height during the reign of Mausa Musa between 1312-1337 who
developed cities, such as Timbuktu and transformed the kingdom into an important center of learning.
Topics to be studied is to determine the wheres and whys African people were brought to America.
When did European countries first begin exploring the continent of African and how were they able to
enslave people to begin the slave trade industry.


Since the LMA has not had the services of an official manager for 5-years, please email me directly at, so Lansing residents can get answers to their questions about the management of their airport.

I will commit to respond to all requests for information about the future of the airport.


Narrative for a Better Tomorrow No. 8

Clear and Present Danger Assignment 16

In 1941 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by the Empire of Japan. There was no declaration of war
before the it occurred. The next day President Franklin Delano Roosevelt appeared before Congress and
asked them to use the constitutional power given to them to declare war on Japan. There was
bipartisan support for his recommendation because the defense of the homeland is the primary
responsibility of the federal government, and Hawaii was part of the United States. When ready the
country ventured beyond its borders to become more offensive in defending our interests. We did that
wherever there was a clear and present danger to the American people, and its allies. If we waited and
allowed them to continue their aggression our way of life would have been changed. Today, our country
has found a new danger from the cartel empires based in Mexico. They are attacking not with tanks and
cannons: modern warfare is now spearheaded by invading our borders, so they can win form within. It
is obvious the government of Mexico is not in control of their cartel problem, so it has become
necessary to declare war to eliminate the problem.
There is historical precedent that could be considered. In 1916 the small town of Columbus, New
Mexico witnessed a significant event. On March 9 th a Mexican bandit Poncho Villa came across the
border and raided the town. According to War Department reports ten American soldiers and other
residents were killed or wounded. President Wilson authorized a response to the transgression. An
expeditionary force of 14,000 regular army troops under the command of Brig. General John J “Black
Jack” Pershing entered Mexico with the single punitive objective of making sure that the threat to
America would be eliminated. The primary threat to America today is not Mexican bandits, but the
cartel empires. They are a modern form of an army. Their weapons are to use the liberties guaranteed
to all Americans to destroy those liberties.


Since the LMA has not had the services of an official manager for 5-years, please email me directly at, so Lansing residents can get answers to their questions about the management of their airport.

I will commit to respond to all requests for information about the future of the airport.
